- Chautauqua Elementary School
- New Staff
New Staff
Or a good refresher for returning staff!
Staff Handbook
The best place to start is with our Staff Handbook. You will only be able to view this while logged into your school account. The table of contents are linked for quick and easy access to that section.
Staff mailboxes
Every staff member has a staff mailbox in the hallway of the main office. It may be a shared box with other staff. Be sure to check it regularly for any important communications.
Shredding sensitive documents
There is a locked bin in the district office where you can deposit papers for shredding. It is emptied about once a quarter.
Intercom from the office
The office will contact you over the intercom if we need you to send a student to the office for pick up. You can respond from where you stand, but if your class is loud, we may not hear your response!
Sending postal mail
We have a very limited postage budget, but if you need to mail something, the postage meter is upstairs in the district office. We can tell you more about that in the office.
Also, there is not mail pick up currently at the schools so you will need to take any outgoing mail directly to the post office.
Sending mail to District Office or another school
In the office we have some "interoffice" envelopes you can use. Label who it's going to and put in the canvas bag hanging on the side of the small shelf before heading down the hallway. Office staff can direct you.
Quickly call the office
Dial zero from a school phone. If the office doesn't answer, try again, we may be on the phone or assisting someone.
How to find (almost) EVERYTHING
We have a Staff App! This is a repository of many different forms, schedules, resources and more! No staff member should be without it!
Missing work?
Any time you will not be working your scheduled shift, you need to enter an absence in Red Rover - the app we use for recording staff absences and finding/assigning subs.
Leaving the building mid-day
If you need to leave the building during your break please sign out on the computer in the office and then back in again when you return.
This ensures we know who is in the building in the event of an emergency.
How to email staff groups.
You can email groups of staff based on the following groups:
- Teachers and all certificated staff (VEA members): cescertificated@vashonsd.org
- Paras, monitors, office staff and all classified staff (VESP members): cesclassified@vashonsd.org
- All staff at CES: cesall@vashonsd.org
- All staff at the entire school district: visd@vashonsd.org